Speaking of Fathers:

Farther Vs. Further

by Jessie

 A handy--and funny!--grammatical device is brought to you courtesy of @LostCatDog on Twitter:

Farther = physical distance
Further = metaphorical distance
Father = emotional distance

While we at the WC would never wish anyone estrangements from their dearest dads, but this is a fun and easy way to remember the difference between farther and further.

Another tip: farther has the word “far” in it, which implies physical distance.

Whether you’re writing about how far you ran on your fitness blog, or an e-mail to your friend about how your comp class is driving you further and further into madness, or a science essay about how Neptune is farther from the sun than earth, you want your language to go further through good grammar usage.

Especially if you’re writing a love note to your father.